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Just why IS Austin the weirdest city in America - and is it true?

America, the land of the weird and wonderful, where eccentrics build fantastical residences, museums dedicated to every mundane item known to man exist, mountains plastered in paint in the desert are dedicated to Jesus and natural beauty comes unrivaled. There is plenty of odd, if odd is what you are looking for (and...I am). Yet Austin appears to claim the title of the weirdest city in the great nation - just what is this based on and is it a deserved title?

Well for starters, the town generally speaking has a sense of humour about itself, which is one of the aspects that make it great. Locals will walk around topless without a care in the world, bats are a major tourist attraction and everyone eats tacos for breakfast whilst the rest of us stare sadly into our muesli.

If you are done with breakfast and gearing up for a solid lunch, why not dine in a trailer park, the South Austin Trailer Park and Eatery on 1st Avenue specifically, one of several of Austin's food truck trailer parks.

SOCO, or South Congress, is generally said to be Austin's epicenter of weird - shop for bizarre treasures, many of which pay homage to the Lone Star State - target Uncommon Objects and Lucy in Disguise with Diamonds or for classic Texas, Allens Boots. Another great spot is Roadhouse Relics, where you can find fab neon art (but don't expect it to be cheap). The store runs on 'South Austin Hours', meaning when Todd Sanders, the owner, is there - it's open.

Meanwhile, down at the Little Longhorn Saloon every sunday, you can place your bets on where a chicken will poop for your chance to win big cash prices. This actually happens.

Historic bungalows, their porches and backyards have been turned into bars and restaurants along Rainey St and Bangers, a sausage and beer garden (thankfully), will pay you to get a tattoo of their logo.

Austin is also the capital of Texas, yet...doesn't really feel like the rest of Texas - its funky, off beat and independent in vibe. No one will think you odd for racing turtles, it is totally normal - just head over to Little Woodrow's if you don't believe me.

If you are into cocktails, these come bizarrely cheap all over the city, as cheap as $3 in some establishments, and some of those places are just downright quirky - try Midnight Cowboy Modeling, signed as an 'Oriental Massage' establishment amongst other bars on 6th street. Just ring the doorbell marked 'Harry Craddock' and lose yourself in a sneaky speakeasy bar where drinks are served in tiki mugs.

Whimsyland will be blogging from Austin Texas in September so we will update you all further on the weirdness level then, in the meantime it is safe to say Austin is up there with the weird American greats, and we sure hope it stays that way.




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